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Complete oily sewage treatment system


In recent years, petrochemical enterprises have repeatedly experienced sewage discharge and fire accidents, and the risk of sewage treatment facilities is not lower than that of production devices.


The production sewage and rainwater of petrochemical units are discharged into the waste water tank. The composition of this kind of sewage is complex, and a large amount of waste oil may be discharged under the accident state. This part of waste oil has high temperature and large impact. If it is not treated, it may cause water pollution events or fire and explosion accidents. Petrochemical oily sewage has a complex composition. The wastewater mainly comes from waste heat boilers, steam generators, alkali washing towers and equipment cleaning. The types of wastewater are mainly acid, sulfur, alkali oil, etc.


After the sewage from the production workshop is merged into the waste water tank system, due to the complex composition of raw water, if the content of suspended solids and oil in the tank is too high, it will form a polymer with suspended solids and oil as the carrier. If the polymer accumulates for a long time, it will form a “skin” to seal the homogeneous tank, and then cause the anaerobic decomposition process in the tank, generate odor, and deteriorate the surrounding environment of the tank.


According to the above actual situation, a complete set of oily sewage treatment system matching the actual situation of sewage in the wastewater pool is developed.


The system can achieve: outlet free oil content <50mg/l; COD<500mg/l; SS<100mg/l;

A. 技术特点

A. Technical features


1. Adopt advanced treatment technology, mature technology and reliable monomer equipment;


2. Select the installation and sealing sewage treatment facilities to ensure that the sewage treatment area is free of odor pollution;


3. Save investment funds and floor space, improve the level of pollutant reduction and comprehensive utilization of useful resources, and strive to obtain the maximum social, environmental and economic benefits;


4. The complete system is fully automatic without manual operation;